MATR Newsletter - Fri Aug 27, 2010 |
"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't." Jerry Rice, San Francisco 49ers ... 13110
Great opportunity for Montana businesses: "University of Montana Marketing Management Class (MKTG 461) Offering Marketing Plan Development to Montana Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations" ... .html ---"Do register early for the Montana Economic Summit and the MEDA conference in Butte, Montana" ... .html
Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
City Club Missoula
- "Opportunity - Change The Game" MMEC's Premier Conference For Montana Manufacturers, 10/7-8, Billings, Montana
Compete Smart is a two-day conference for Montana manufacturers (job shops, production and processing facilities & manufacturing allies) co-hosted by the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center and NorthWestern Energy.
- City Club Missoula Special Opening Forum Presents: Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, 9/10, Missoula
Please note that the Friday, Sept. 10, date is a change from the regular CCM Monday time. Forums will resume in October on the regular schedule of the second Monday of each month.
Come Home Montana
- Why do businesses fail?
Why did the business fail? It ran out of money. End of story right? NO!
MEDA -Montana Economic Developers Association
- Montana Career Opportunity - Director of Finance and Administration - The Indian Law Resource Center
The person will report to the Executive Director and will work as a member of the senior management team with the staff and Board of Directors.
- Montana Career Opportunity - Associate Director - Profitable Ideas
Associate Director – Your job is to help your team build roundtables by researching and extending invitations to key executives.
"Montana's Race To The Top - The State with the Best Education Wins!"
- Do register early for the Montana Economic Summit and the MEDA conference in Butte, Montana
What a great opportunity to participate in two conferences in one location – and continue the energy from the Summit. MEDA Members will have a lot of hands-on work to do in preparation for the legislative session. You won’t want to miss our conference.
Glacier National Park Centennial
- Rural Schools Lose Race To The Top
The federal government is rewarding schools for innovations that don't work particularly well in rural areas. And the problem is likely to continue.
Montana Business
- ‘What Glacier National Park is all about’
Sitting in dusty road construction traffic isn’t my idea of fun, let alone doing it four times in one morning before ever setting foot on a trail. My only solace was knowing that by nightfall I’d be sleeping under the stars in Glacier National Park’s backcountry for the first time.
- Aw, Wilderness! Are rugged national lands too inaccessible to Americans?
The Wilderness Act is a monumental achievement in national resource conservation. But unless federal agencies begin to interpret it more reasonably, it is an achievement that even fewer numbers of people will want, or even be able, to enjoy.
Montana Economic Development
- Local cost of living in Montana falls to lowest level in three years
At two percent above the national average, the Bozeman cost of living is lower than it has been for three years, Prospera Business Network reported Monday.
- Baucus puts emphasis on higher pay for Montana's workers
"We need to go the extra mile to get our income back up to those levels," Baucus said. "My main effort in the Senate is to evaluate how to get good-paying jobs for Montana so that our kids won't have to leave the state to work."
Regional Economic Development
- Sen. Baucus Announces Warren Buffett, Barry Diller To Participate in His Butte, Montana Jobs Summit September 13th - 14th
"I'm so thrilled Montanans will have the chance to learn from my friend, Warren. He truly understands Montana's potential and the need to connect our hard-working business leaders with the tools they need to get ahead and create good-paying jobs. This is such great news." Baucus said.
- Sen. Baucus Announces Renowned Artwork Heading to State Economic Summit in Butte, Montana 9/13-14
Artists Renoir, J.M.W. Turner, Corot, Constable to be featured in Butte at Sen. Baucus’ Economic Development Summit in September
- Montana DEQ Awards $1 Million in Alternative Energy Development Grants
"Montana is rich in alternative energy potential." said DEQ Director Richard Opper. "The grants make it possible to move these projects from planning into production."
- Bozeman’s newest citizen board addressing economic development
"There are several resources out there that just aren't given out as often as they should be because not everybody knows about them."
- Montana's Rocky Mountain Front is our last best habitat
It’s rare for a group representing more than 400 years of combined professional wildlife expertise to take that kind of stand. But we’re doing it now because the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act is ready to go. With the way Washington, D.C., works, we may not have a chance to protect it again for a long time. For us, protecting the Front is both personal and professional.
Business Plan Forums
- Wealth Creation in Rural Communities - A Project of the Ford Foundation
Experience suggests that development focused solely on economic outcomes often results in depreciation of both environmental and social assets. A balanced approach to development— what we are calling triple bottom line development - benefits the economy, the environment and social inclusion simultaneously.
- Regional Clustering and Innovation Strengthens Exports, Report Finds
The report recommends that U.S. metros should develop metropolitan export initiatives that focus on innovation to increase their export capabilities and modernize their economic development strategy from 20th century thinking to 21st century action on export oriented economic growth.
- Michigan to launch Business Plan Competition - The biggest business plan contest in the country awarding the largest single grant of any such contest
The competition fuels innovation-based business growth by uncovering the best and brightest new business concepts from local and global entrepreneurs, exposing those opportunities to potential investment capital and fostering their growth within Michigan.
- Call for Entrepreneurs to Apply to Present at the Bend Venture Conference
If you have a start-up company seeking between $100,000 and $1 million, you are encouraged to enter the business plan competition.
Developing Funding Opportunities in Montana
- How To Leave A Great Legacy
Build a great legacy for yourself by never giving up your willingness to learn and adapt, by setting your ego aside and by working well outside your comfort zone.
- Rules to live by
#1. You must not dilly-dally.
Funding and Building your Business
- The Problem with Tax Credits for Angel Investors
Most people who are already making angel investments would gladly accept a tax cut for doing deals they would have done anyway. The problem is, this bill is not good public policy.
- Investing in startups has potential for high returns
Why would "nonangels” choose to invest in an angel fund that targets early-stage companies when the failure rate of startups is so historically high? The short answer is potential returns. Read more:
Montana Education Excellence
- Investor Pitches – key questions
The goal of a pitch is not to educate, it is to sell.
- Business Intelligence: The Definitive Guide For Mid-Size Organizations
Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Your Organization—Regardless of Its Size
- Why Do Businesses and Leaders Fail?
Think about the recent challenges of some of our great car companies and banks. It sure wasn't due to a lack of engineering or financial expertise.
Montana Education/Business Partnerships
- Will federal school money in ‘jobs bill’ for Montana actually get spent on schools?
The federal “jobs bill” passed this month by Congress allocates $30.7 million for Montana public schools — but it’s uncertain whether or how schools may get the money this year.
- University of Great Fall's science experiment pays off with more students
A few years ago, science professors at the University of Great Falls decided to overhaul the way students learned so that more students would take additional science classes and consider majoring in biology or chemistry.
- Rolf Groseth outlines goals for Montana State University Billings at Legislature
Enrollment is expected to be up at MSU Billings this fall and may hit a record.
- Gazette opinion: Test results: Middle school matters, rigorous classes pay off
Preparing for college and career needs to start long before high school.
- Enrollment is open for fall Wonderlust courses at Montana State University
Fall courses are now open for enrollment from Wonderlust, a lifelong learning organization affiliated with Montana State University's Extended University.
- Willard - Commemorating "Momma"
"She had a big heart. And she had a soft heart. And she understood, I would say, the 'alternative student'."
- Most of Montana's brightest high-schoolers head to MSU, out of state
Classes begin next week on Montana's college campuses, but less than half of the brightest students coming out of Montana's high schools last spring will be sitting in those classrooms.
- State launches Montana Digital Academy - Free Online Classes for High School Students
Montana students don't have to go back to school to take advantage of the first statewide digital classroom. The new Montana Digital Academy allows them to sign up and take classes for school credit whenever they want on the Internet.
- NSF awards $20M to jazz up university research networks - University of Montana and the Northern Tier Networking Consortium
NTNC will be extended to facilitate local connection sites in Billings, Mills City, and Ronan, Montana. Improved cyber connectivity will be enabled for Montana State University-Billings, Salish Kootenai College (a tribal college), Miles City Community College, and Dawson Community College.
Regional Business
- University of Montana Marketing Management Class (MKTG 461) Offering Marketing Plan Development to Montana Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations
If you know of a business or organization that needs to have a marketing plan developed this semester, please have them contact me as soon as possible.
- University of Montana, Forest Service Fire Lab Partner For High-Speed Network
As one of only two locations in the country selected by the Forest Service for the Internet2 pilot project, the Fire Lab will use UM’s Northern Tier Network connection to share vast amounts of data, run complex computer simulations and models, and collaborate with scientists in other locations.
University TechTransfer
- A 50-state comparison of state income taxes
There's really not a lot to add to these charts.
Idaho Business
- University of Utah Launched 19 Companies in Fiscal Year 2010
Startups Help Economy, Keep U as Entrepreneurial Leader
North Dakota Business and Economic Development
- Stepped-up trade efforts could help Idaho ag industry
“Some smaller producers think of themselves as ‘small businesses’ and don’t know how to plug in.”
Utah Economic Development
- Developing Rural Opportunities
"There are a few small towns that if they don't grab their own bootstraps they will fail. But most that are here are interested in survival and they are going to grab their own bootstraps, they are going to get something done, they are going to find their purpose."
- California businesses lured to Utah by friendly business climate
A consortium of business groups, operating under the Californians Against Higher Taxes banner, is out to convince their government leaders that the state’s business climate needs to be improved. And they are pointing to Utah’s success to support their stand.
Other Economies
- Scholars Test Web Alternative to Peer Review
“What we’re experiencing now is the most important transformation in our reading and writing tools since the invention of movable type.”
- Are you teaching in a 21st Century Classroom?
With the generous support of Bretford, we've assembled this collection of stories from the eSchool News archives to help you design 21st-century classroom environments that are flexible enough to meet your diverse needs.
- USDA grants help plant seeds of good nutrition with school gardens
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announces it will award $1 million in grants for eligible high-poverty schools to start community gardens.
- Once called vo-tech schools, today's tech centers stress that they're not for underachievers - Northern Idaho voters approve $9.5MM technical school levy
The programs offer students the chance to graduate with certifications in areas such as auto repair, food handling, cosmetology, computer repair, health assisting and construction trades, which in turn allow them to enter the job market, continue their education at secondary schools -- or do both.
- European students protest US-style 'capitalist education'
A decade ago tuition reform was introduced to get European students to graduate in under five years. Today debate is hot over how struggling Eurozone countries can keep intact free education for all.
- Free tool lets students participate during class - Microsoft offers a no-cost alternative to student response system software
The new tool, called Mouse Mischief, allows teachers to add multiple choice, yes/no, and drawing questions to their presentations. Students then use any computer mice (any device from the school will work) to answer these questions. The tool also allows for whole-class or individual student responses.
- Branstad Says Private Business Can Better Carry The Banner for Iowa's Economic Development Efforts
Iowa gubernatorial canidate Terry Branstad again calls for private business to replace the state's economic development department
Connectivity & Communications
- Missoula, Montana's Out to Lunch celebrates 25 years of food, music
Early on Wednesday afternoon, Pat Simmons sat at a picnic table in Caras Park, her beaming smile reflecting the brilliant summer sun as she reflected on a quarter century of change and tradition in downtown Missoula.
- Outside Magazine: The Best "Adventure Towns" in the U.S. - The winner for best overall town in the western U.S. is Boise, Idaho. Bozeman, Montana - Best Skiing Town West
Play Hard, Live Here
Energy and Climate Change
- Google launches Internet telephone service with free U.S. calls
"Gmail is a great way to handle all your online communications and Google Voice is a great way to handle all your phone communications," said Craig Walker, product manager for real time communications at Google. "We thought, wouldn't it be great if we could bring all these things together."
Legislative Newsletters
- Idaho lawmakers highlight legislation aimed at developing renewable energy - Exergy Development Group
The Boise-based Exergy Development Group wind farms, which will create up to 175 jobs and power about 39,700 homes, are being dubbed the Oregon Trail Wind Farm project.
- "Dilbert" Creator, Scott Adams, Tries to Build Green House - How I (Almost) Saved the Earth
But let's say, for the sake of this fascinating story, that everyone in the planning commission is heavily medicated with medical marijuana and they approve your project over the objections of all of your neighbors, except for the beavers, who are suspiciously flexible. Now you need a contractor who is willing to risk his career to build this cutting-edge structure.
- Powerful new climate model unveiled
"Decision makers in diverse arenas need to know the extent to which the climate events they see are the product of natural variability, and hence can be expected to reverse at some point, or are the result of potentially irreversible, human-influenced climate change," Hurrell says. "CESM will be a major tool to address such questions."
- Standard view: Montana Senator Jon Tester sets good example
“A public office is a public trust. In carrying out the functions of this office, NEVER use your position to sell out our constituents, your fellow citizens, for personal gain of any kind and, above all, avoid the APPEARANCE of doing so.”
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