MATR Newsletter - Fri Aug 28, 2009 |
"I know that Montana is the greatest place in the world to raise a family, to start and grow a business. You know it, and I know it and now we will tell the world." Gov. Brian Schweitzer "You Should be Here" ... .html
You should have been there...."5th Annual Montana Ambassador Business Open - Photos and Summary" ... .html --- Congratulations to Tom, Rebecca and the team at MSU R&D: "Montana State University wins $98.4 million in research dollars for fiscal year" ... .html
Ignite Missoula
Idaho National Laboratory
- Ignite Missoula- Are You Ready For 5 Minutes In The Spotlight?, 9/2, Missoula, Montana
Ignite Missoula: 5 Minutes, 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide....Are you ready?
- So What? Who Cares? Why You? Workshop, 9/3, Twin Falls, Idaho
This highly engaging workshop will show you how to develop and present your ideas in ways that engage potential business backers – lenders, investors, licensees, internal investment committees and others.
Highway 12 Ventures
- Announces 8 New Products
We're confident our new offerings will help take your company's marketing and promotion to the next level.
Montana Ambassadors
- Boise, Idaho based Balihoo announces $7 million in new funding led by Boston-based V.C. OpenView Venture Partners.
Boise-based V.C. firm Highway 12 Ventures and Lacuna Gap Capital, of Boulder, Colo., together supplied the company’s initial capital and contributed to the $7 million funding announced Aug. 26.
Come Home Montana
- 5th Annual Montana Ambassador Business Open - Photos and Summary
The 5th Annual Montana Ambassador Business Open was a great success. We had beautiful weather, great networking, wonderful food and lots of fun.
Montana Biotech
- Ted Kennedy Rides a Bucking Bronco in a Montana Rodeo, with Photo
In August 1960, Edward Kennedy came to Montana to campaign for his brother John at the Montana State Democratic Convention. Then he rode a bucking bronco in the Miles City Rodeo.
- Police chief search continues in Libby, Montana
The City of Libby will more-than-likely set a new deadline for chief of police applicants, as only one person has shown interest so far after a month of local and statewide advertising.
- Montana - You Should Be Here Building Your Business and Living Your Dream
When customers find our website and call in, they often ask where we’re located. When I say “Montana,” they invariably tell me how lucky I am. With a smile in my voice, I say, “I know—I’m living your dream.” Andrew Field, CEO,
Montana Business
- Biotech innovation being threatened
One investor went as far as calling the current investing climate "Armageddon" for biotech startups.
Montana Economic Development
- Richland County, Montana panel discusses economic climate - faring better than other parts of the country
“We’ve been doing great. We’ve been able to enjoy a lot of success in the Sidney district.”
- RemoteScan, Leader in EMR Document Scanner Connectivity, Goes Ultra Green
RemoteScan software is now developed on solar powered computers, the lighting, phones and heat in my office are powered from solar, and our corporate officers either walk or ride bicycles to work.
- Montana Department of Transportation INROADS Newsletter
Do you know someone who could be a DBE?
- SBA Launches YouTube Channel Aim is to Reach Larger Audience through Popular Site
YouTube is a highly popular Web site, especially among younger people. SBA is intent on reaching this audience with its message of entrepreneurship, the importance of small business to the nation's economy, and information on the agency's programs and services.
- Flathead Electric Cooperative at Forefront of Renewable Energy - Biomass system at landfill operating, geothermal next
First it was decaying garbage and now it’s hot springs. Such is the future of renewable energy through the eyes of innovative officials at Flathead Electric Cooperative.
- Six Montana Family Businesses to be Honored on September 25 at the 2009 Montana Family Business Awards
The businesses, which range in size from fewer than 10 employees to more than 50, will receive their awards at the 2009 Montana State University College of Business State Farm Insurance Family Business Day on Friday, Sept. 25, at the Holiday Inn in Bozeman.
Regional Economic Development
- Study bumps Montana’s ranking to No. 2 for wind potential - $2B in construction projects possible, advocate says
"The bottom line is, Montana has increased its wind portfolio at the fastest rate in the country." Gov. Brian Schweitzer
- The Montana Department of Commerce has a number of programs to help businesses and communities with economic development.
I appreciate this opportunity to remind you of a good workforce training program that has funds available right now:
Funding and Building your Business
- Wanted: A Few Big Broadband Customers
For a broadband network to be built and stay in operation requires commitment from major institutional customers. Craig Settles explains how small towns must think big.
Incubators and R&D
- More marketers use social networking to reach customers
In April, Ford tapped 100 top bloggers and gave them a Fiesta for six months. The catch: Once a month, they're required to upload a video on YouTube about the car, and they're encouraged to talk — no holds barred — about the Fiesta on their blogs, Facebook and Twitter.
Montana Education Excellence
- Noted research scientists Andrea and Don Stierle join the University of Montana to further their research
Among that grant total was a National Institutes of Health grant secured last spring. The grant was awarded for the Stierles' research on how microbes found in the Berkeley Pit might help fight cancer.
Regional Business
- Speaker urges innovation to improve education experience
Think about "success by design, not by chance."
- Regent resolution troubles FVCC
If implemented, the strategies would impact the colleges of technology within the university system, tribal colleges and Miles, Dawson and Flathead Valley community colleges. Trustees and officials at the three community colleges take issue with:
- Montana State University wins $98.4 million in research dollars for fiscal year
Montana State University competed well for research dollars in the past year, with research funding increasing $2.2 million to a total of $98.4 million for the fiscal year that ended June. 30.
Wyoming Business
- Qwest to hang up on its mobile-phone service in October
The Denver-based telecommunications company is notifying its remaining mobile-phone customers that they have until Oct. 31 to switch to a new provider before their service is terminated.
- Wyoming - No transmission, no projects: Developed wind power would double state's electric output
Wyoming wind power, if reasonably developed, would more than double the amount of electricity produced by all other sources in the state, a representative of the Wyoming Infrastructure Authority said Wednesday.
- Cody, Wyoming tries to tempt tech company, Eleutian Technology, to set up shop
The primary goal of Cody's lobbying is not to steal the company away from Ten Sleep, but rather to ensure Eleutian stays in northern Wyoming because of the income it contributes to the region's economy, he said.
Other Economies
- Schools can do better with less money
Budget cuts and demands for improved student achievement test public-school administrators more than ever – but, undaunted, some scrappy innovators are passing that test with an 'A.'
- Business Community has Vested Interest in Education
Such a plan sounds more off-the-cuff than well thought out, but Scott is right about one thing: a better educated workforce is better for the worker, better for business and better for the state in the long run.
- Seven of 10 parents: I'd like my child to become a teacher.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans now favor charter schools, although many are confused about how they operate.
- Singularity taps students' technology ideas
The inaugural graduates of Singularity University, a Silicon Valley school backed by NASA, Google Inc., and tech industry luminaries like Ray Kurzweil, unveiled their grand visions on Thursday for leveraging emerging technologies to solve humanity's great challenges.
Connectivity & Communications
- States go head-to-head to lure businesses
In New Hampshire, economic development officials pick up Massachusetts business owners at the border in a limousine and give them VIP treatment and a pitch about why they should relocate there.
- Even higher taxes coming for Californians
While Californians are still feeling the sting of income and sales tax hikes signed into law earlier this year, now comes news that state tax authorities plan to take a little more from their pockets.
Energy and Climate Change
- USDA Releases Rural Broadband Reading Room
The website provides information on rural broadband uses and activity across the U.S.
Miscellaneous Ramblings
- Utah State University gets $500K grant for algae farming experiment
The school's new Energy Dynamics Laboratory will develop an experimental facility to grow and harvest algae from wastewater lagoons west of Logan.
Government Technology
- YouTube: make video, get paid
Fred has managed to attract nearly 1.4 million subscribers, the second most of any channel on YouTube. To understand why watch the video -- and remain utterly dumbfounded:
- Health Information Exchange Provider Offers States Free Backbone for Information Sharing
Governors of all U.S. states and territories received an offer this week from NaviNet, a commercial health information exchange (HIE) provider, to develop a branded portal through which regional HIEs, hospitals, insurers and others in the health-care industry could exchange medical information.
- Utah Plans Private Cloud for Local Agencies
Utah state government is preparing a private cloud that will offer hosted e-mail and Web applications to cities and counties within the state.
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