MATR Newsletter - Tue Mar 6, 2007 |
"Global Warming Expert, Tim Flannery speaks at MSU - U.S. not serious about global warming threat. Major Economic Opportunities Available to Those Who Act." ... .html
Come Home Montana
Montana Education Excellence
- Montana Career Opportunity - Research Analyst - Muzeview
Muzeview is a leading research and advisory firm covering trends and innovations in the professional services industry (accounting, law, management, and technology consulting).
- Proposed Bitterroot Valley college a test for higher education in Montana
Bitterroot Valley residents leading the charge to establish a community college are pushing Montana education leaders and state officials into uncharted territory.
2007 Montana Legislature
- Wisconsin Launches Education Initiative to Bring 21st Century Skills to Every Student in the State
Wisconsin Becomes Only the Third in the Nation to Collaborate with the Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Montana Business
- Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer: Political rhetoric hinders business recruitment
Schweitzer said the Montana economy is one of the nation’s fastest growing, with record low unemployment. The state is definitely ‘‘open for business,’
- More than budget battle disturbing to Wanzenreid
While the Republican ploy to divide consideration of Montana’s next biennial budget into six separate bills is a big concern to Missoula Sen. Dave Wanzenreid, the veteran lawmaker has something else on his mind that’s equally disturbing.
- 'Transparency' a favorite among hip, trendy legislative lingo
If lawmakers coughed up a quarter for every time they used the word "transparency," the state would have doubled its $1 billion surplus by now.
- The Great Falls Development Authority keeps eye on economic development bills
"This is the most important investment in development and job creation the state can make," Doney said. "Spending more money will mean more Montanans are trained and more high wage jobs are created."
- GOP headed down the wrong track: Montanans seem to like the job Schweitzer is doing. So why are Republican leaders fighting him?
It's back to work tomorrow for Montana legislators. Today's the last day of a four-day mid-session break, a time when most citizen-lawmakers run home, make the rounds and check in with constituents before returning to Helena.
Montana Economic Development
- New spin on value-added ag, Beaverslide Dry Goods in Dupuyer, Montana
Although most of their clientele is in the United States, she says, "I sent packages to Norway, France, Indonesia, Greenland and the South Pole."
- Seeley Lake lumber, Pyramid Lumber, cuts wages, plans layoffs
Part of the company’s long-range plan is to continue diversifying the variety of wood it works with and the lumber products it turns out. For the past few years, Pyramid has been stepping up its technology to increase efficiency and remain competitive in niche markets. Two months ago, it bought a new machine expected to increase efficiency and help cut costs.
Montana Biotech
- List of bigwigs grows for Montana Economic Summit, 4/30-5/1
The two men will join others previously announced to attend the summit, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Microsoft Founder Bill Gates. Gates will address the conference via satellite.
- Global Warming Expert, Tim Flannery speaks at MSU - U.S. not serious about global warming threat. Major Economic Opportunities Available to Those Who Act.
People need to create constituencies for action by pressuring politicians, as well, and innovative technologies can help greatly. He's a strong proponent of geothermal power, which he said doesn't have to be undertaken in unique places like Yellowstone National Park. Clean coal technology also holds promise, as does reforesting the tropics as carbon traps, though he agreed that poses many social challenges. "We're talking about changing the way people relate to the Earth and we're talking about changing the way people relate to each other," he said.
Funding and Building your Business
- Montana Bioscience Alliance Names New Executive Board Officers
The Montana Bioscience Alliance ( today announced that Robert Bargatze, Ph.D., of Ligocyte Pharmaceuticals has been appointed as President for the state’s growing biotech industry alliance.
Regional Business
- Business blogs not hard to start
Providing information for businesses in blog format engages users in conversation
- Raising capital: Are you ECE or RDAVE?
Discovering which type you are will help you more successfully raise the capital you need to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true.
- Muzenews, the monthly newsletter on Professional Services Innovation.
In this edition of Muzenews, we discuss spotting new service opportunities, spreading the word on your innovation successes, and looking at what professional services firms can learn from Procter & Gamble.
Regional Economic Development
- Native American Bank branches out
Native American Bank has been run from Colorado for some time, but its only branches have been in Browning, Mont.
- Northern Exposure. Four high-tech (and high-latitude) firms are pushing the boundaries of technology in the northernmost state
Alaska on the move
Wyoming Business
- Educating labor force key to economic development
“It’s all about the people.”
Incubators and R&D
- Good jobs close to home in Wyoming
The good news doesn't stop there: Starting salary for a junior engineer at Belle Ayr ranges from $60,000 to $65,000. A modest expansion of the mine would add 500 to 700 more employees within the next five years.
Small Diameter Timber Utilization
- University of Montana Researchers Decipher the Buzzing of Bees
"We found bees respond within 30 seconds or less to the presence of a toxic chemical," said Research Professor Jerry Bromenshenk. "The military is interested in that for countering terrorism. But the real surprise was that the sounds bees produce can actually tell what chemical is hitting them."
Connectivity & Communications
- Montana companies cash in on slash piles
“This is a market that's definitely growing,” said Bryan Vole, a forester with Tricon Timber in St. Regis. “My advice to loggers is don't burn those piles of slash. They're worth some money.”
Cool Stuff That's Coming
- FCC Grants Internet Phone Access. Rural Carriers must open local lines
Rural telephone companies must allow carriers such as Verizon Communications to use local lines to connect Internet-based calls, U.S. regulators said yesterday.
- The Thinking Machine. “When you are born, you know nothing.”
Jeff Hawkins created the Palm Pilot and the Treo. Now he says he’s got the ultimate invention: software that mimics the human brain.
- Washable computer gives doctors a clean slate
Emano Tec Inc., has designed a wafer-thin, wireless hand-held computer that is designed to be washed thousands of times.
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