MATR Newsletter - Tue Aug 8, 2006 |
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This is the true joy in life...being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one...being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy...I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. LIfe is no brief candle to me. It's a sort of splendid torch which I have to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." George Bernard Shaw (thanks to Tom Gorman for sharing this.)
"Connecting Smart Growth and Economic Development. 8 Case Studies on the Connections Between Smart Growth Development and Jobs, Wealth, and Quality of Life in Communities" ... .html
2006 Montana Elections
Come Home Montana
- Politicians should defend positions. Project Vote Smart
Candidates have until next week to answer the questionnaire. Shortly after that date, voters will be able to find the results at or by calling a hotline at 1-800-868-3762.
Developing a more Entrepreneurial Montana
- The ‘heart of the Hi-Line’
This is area is also on Montana’s Dinosaur Trail, and north of Rudyard, well-known dinosaur expert Jack Horner of the Museum of the Rockies has been involved in several projects.
Developing Tech Jobs in Rural Communities
- Forget the canoes -- some 'campers' navigate business
"I loved doing my job and seeing what it would be like when I grew up," he said. And "we learned to use our money wisely and not spend it all on candy."
- SBA Introduces Podcasts for Business Owners
The SBA recognizes the time constraints faced by budding entrepreneurs, and podcasting is an easy way to deliver content on small business basics using audio files over the Internet.
- Ten Questions with Seth Godin
Seth Godin is author of six books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, entrepreneurship, and work.
- Small towns energized by rural entrepreneurs
This rural hamlet of 1,089 residents and no traffic lights was a decidedly sleepy place until Todd Thiel returned and began to globalize his hometown.
Montana Business
- Sun's McNealy Leads Non-Profit Open-Source Drive
"Math hasn't changed since Isaac Newton," declares Scott McNealy. So why, he asks, is California paying some $400 million annually to "update" grade-school textbooks?
- Montana looking at possible pre-kindergarten programs. Conference scheduled for 10/4 in Missoula
Montana is one of 10 states that offer no state-funded pre-kindergarten programs, according to a review by Pre-K Now, a national nonprofit organization advocating for early childhood education. That status may change soon.
- Less-expensive notebooks perfect for students' needs
Here's my back-to-school PC buying philosophy for 2006, in just four words: Less really is more.
- Intel Supports Multicore Education At 45 Universities. The move is said to prepare students for software development in an increasingly multicore world.
"To usher in a new generation of computing technology and bring creative new products to market, it's crucial to educate tomorrow's software developers to architect, develop and debug the next generation of software for modern, multi-core platforms,"
- Engineer-Starved Headhunter Offers Cash. The $5,000 Future Engineers Scholarship
The $5,000 Future Engineers Scholarship, now in its fourth year, recognizes exceptional engineering students throughout the nation and is intended to encourage students to go beyond the junior and sophomore years.
- Governors Face a Quandary on Education
”Education systems have to multitask,” said Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, who announced that as NGA’s new chair she will focus the organization’s attention on fostering innovation. “Standardized tests should be passable as a natural response,” she said. “Those engaged in math and science don’t have any problem passing the tests.”
- State colleges struggle as more students cross borders
College recruiting has become a national competition, with private and even public universities aggressively siphoning students from out-of-state in the quest to improve applicant quality, geographic diversity and (in the case of publics) to attract more students to pay higher tuition.
Montana Economic Development
- TechMeridian of Manhattan, Montana to Launch its Website Management Service - Tuplix
Whereas most web management tools that cater to non-technical users require the use of stock “cookie cutter” design templates, Tuplix works with any website design.
- Already found the geeks and the wifi in Montana. Caution- Robert Scoble is running rampant in Montana....RightNow Technologies and PrintingForLess.
Anyway, I already found the wifi in the state and the two biggest geeks. Had dinner last night with Greg Gianforte, CEO of RightNow ($110 million in revenues, publicly traded). He indeed was as interesting as I expected him to be. But the total shock was meeting Andrew Field, CEO of Printing For Less.
- Summer makes the Montana economy go round
I hope you'll spend a little time with us this month, perusing western Montana's summertime economy and the people who make it happen. Then get out and enjoy yourself in the sunshine. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than this - anywhere.
- Montana Gov. Schweitzer and State Auditor Morrison Announce 250 Additional Montana Small Businesses Could Receive Health Insurance
Here in Montana, this new plan is providing less expensive health insurance to thousands of Montana families. Over 7,500 Montanans will be able to afford health insurance because of it.
- Welcome to the August 2006 issue of MACo NEWS!
- The skills gap in the national workforce for manufacturers
This is a 2005 study of the skills gap in the national workforce for manufacturers ($5 billion in activity in Montana last year which is larger than health care, tourism, or ag gross receipts!)
Developing Funding Opportunities in Montana
- Site Selection Company looking for space for a data center in Montana
I have been contacted by a site selection company regarding the availability of space for a data center. Attached please find the requirements for the center. If you have a site that fits all of the requirements, please send me your response by AUGUST 14th.
- Neighborhood hub envisioned at Market Square in Missoula. Transformation to set the standard for the future.
Those enterprises, as well as redevelopment of the nearby former Champion millsite, will create an economic climate which will “utterly transform” the Russell corridor, Badenoch said.
- Where to find the best quality of life. Bozeman, MT leads the list.
Seven of the 10 highest-ranked cities that offer the best quality of life are in Western states, according to a new study by Bizjournals.
- Great Falls development group hires new leader- Welcome to Brett M. Doney
Brett M. Doney, president and chief executive officer of Enterprise Maine, will begin work in Great Falls Sept. 14.
Funding and Building your Business
- Venture capitalists reload for new round of investing
At least three other prominent Colorado venture-capital firms say they are in the hunt for fresh capital: Denver-based Centennial Ventures, Boulder Ventures and Sequel Venture Partners of Boulder.
Regional Business
- Selling - How to Make the Best Out of a Second Place Finish
More often than not, when a direct salesperson loses a deal, they quickly move onto the next deal, licking their wounds and fretting over the time they wasted on the lost sale. When they do this, they pass up on a huge opportunity for future sales to that “lost” customer.
- Bosses jump on the blogging bandwagon
Blogging is going corporate.
- The Bootstrap Report - Pulling Oneself Up Is All the Rage Trying to raise millions in venture capital is a fool's errand for many entrepreneurs.
"Money is the enemy of most entrepreneurs and marketers," says Seth Godin, an author of several marketing books. "Great product development and marketing almost always come from organizations that don't have enough money. Having less money keeps you from trying to buy your way out of trouble."
Regional Economic Development
- It’s not the heat, it’s the gas that`s driving online shoppers
Home shopping is on the rise this summer: 27% of U.S. adults are more likely to shop from home—online, catalog or TV—because of busy schedules and 25% because of rising gas prices, the poll finds.
Idaho Business
- Connecting Smart Growth and Economic Development. 8 Case Studies on the Connections Between Smart Growth Development and Jobs, Wealth, and Quality of Life in Communities
Economic Development and Smart GrowthEconomic development success and smart growth can go hand-in-hand.
Washington State Business
- Boise will be easy to sell, recruiter says
New executive director brings almost 20 years experience in California with him
Wyoming Business
- Wireless veterans start all over again. Sotto Wireless
The company's goal is to streamline communications for small- to medium-size businesses.
Other Economies
- Manufacturers and Technology Companies Unite To Diversify The Wyoming Economy
Wyoming's Technology Organization Members are Now the #3 Contributor To the Wyoming Economy
Business Plan Forums
- Where's Web 2.0?
While the Boston area was a hub of first-generation Internet activity, second only to Silicon Valley, the new crop of Internet content, digital media, social networking, and other Web 2.0 companies has a more modest presence here. That is starting to change, however.
- Full List of Presenting Companies for Big Sky Venture Capital Conference (8/24-25) Selected
TechRanch, a Montana-based resource center for entrepreneurs, is hosting the Big Sky Venture Capital Conference. The conference is open to accredited angel investors, venture capitalists, and entrepreneurs from presenting companies.
Non-Profit News
- How to make a splash in your new job
We all know that it's important to make a good impression at an interview. But what about the impression we make once we've landed the job?
- A résumé or a CV? They're different
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to using a résumé or curriculum vitae (also referred to as a CV) when applying for a job.
- The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) to mark 30 years in Butte. Do you have questions about energy or sustainable building products?
“These gatherings offer environmentally minded businesses an opportunity to demonstrate products and services. The public is offered the chance to learn about new products, systems, and techniques in food production, building, transportation, and much more.”
- Non-profits run like businesses
"The non-profit culture has already affected the private sector in this regard. Now, it's time for the non-profits to learn from the for-profits and enter the cold, hard world to sustain themselves but, of course, without losing their soul."
Connectivity & Communications
- Building Green Has Become Mainstream
With officials demanding more sustainable development and consumer interest at an all time high, a critical mass of developers are starting to see the value in building "green".
- Petitioners pursue biodiesel use in Billings, MT
A petition drive under way seeks a ballot initiative that would require the city to use biodiesel - traditional diesel fuel blended with vegetable oil - in buses and other diesel-powered vehicles.
Commuter Rail Development
- Powell, Wyoming moves toward municipal high speed network
"As a city administrator, I hear the term 'economic development' thrown around," said Zane Logan, the leading voice behind the CityNet project. "I can't think of anything more economic-development minded than a fiber optic network."
- FCC Promotes Broadband over Power Line, Denies Television Industry and Amateur Radio Requests
In the Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O) adopted last week, the Commission again acknowledged the significant benefits of Access BPL, reaffirmed its commitment to address interference issues, and reemphasized that the Part 15 rule changes were made to ensure that Access BPL operations do not become a source of interference to licensed radio services.
- Riverside, Calif., to Get Pilot Municipal Wi-Fi and Public Safety Network
The public safety network will make use of the FCC designated 4.9GHz band and the municipal wireless network will make use of the traditional 2.4GHz band.
- Bringing Light Rail Down Under. Creating an integrated transport network
The mayor of Sydney calls for investment in a new light rail network to combat congestion and improve public transport in the city. "Our forefathers thought big and built in that extra capacity for growth. Current governments, with few exceptions, paper over the cracks!"
Cool Stuff That's Coming
- A Utopia sans automobile
For a visitor, the virtual absence of cars is paradise — not the sort of thing we could ever accomplish back in the real world, of course, but an unstoppable delight in this bar-filled biosphere where tables crowd into every square, flute solos seep out of the upstairs windows of the pale golden buildings and the sweet sound of conversation reverberates along the quieted winding lanes.
- 55 Things We Love About Montana. Well, of course there’s more. But here’s a good start.
Montana’s not the most sophisticated state and most of us could make more money living somewhere else, but we don’t want to. We want to live in this great state, and here are 55 reasons why.
- Small Town Leading Efforts To Be More Inclusive
"The leadership of the community has its heart in the right place," he says. "But it certainly illustrated that no matter how nice we are to one another, there still is an underlying current."
- Web Sites that Bring You Home. Latest Innovations Give Home Buyers More Power
``Search by school district, unsurprisingly, was the No. 1 request''
- Google tests Accessible Search for the blind and visually impaired
This option is designed to make Internet navigation easier for the blind or the visually impaired.
- Baiters Teach Scammers a Lesson
But Metimbers and crew turn the tables on scammers one by one, boomeranging the tricksters' own tactics to entice them into performing outlandish tasks in desperate pursuit of cash -- then trumpeting evidence of the con artists' naïveté for the online world's amusement.
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