South Dakota News & Events

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South Dakota Legislature comes up with economic incentives plan

The package includes aid for both big and small businesses, as well as for things seen as creating a good business climate such as education and affordable housing.

Stats debunk South Dakota’s brain drain myth – State attracts more students than leave

In fact, recent trends seem to indicate that South Dakota is doing a better job of luring out-of-staters across our borders to go to college and keeping them here once they graduate.

Authorities target South Dakota Internet lender

Regulators across the country are accusing Martin "Butch" Webb, a member of the Cheyenne River tribe, of illegal lending and collection practices and dodging state limits on interest rates.

’14’ will determine fate of state’s industrial growth – Measure would grant refunds to companies that locate in S.D.

Business groups re-emphasized their support Tuesday for a ballot issue they said would provide tax relief for prospective employers while encouraging economic development in South Dakota.

Pe’ Sla: Help Save Lakota Sioux Sacred Land!

Several Sioux tribes are struggling to come up with $9 million to purchase Pe’ Sla, a sacred parcel of land seized long ago by the government in violation of treaties.

South Dakota is SET for Regional Planning

"In the end, everyone works together so that rural communities can address a broad range of other needs such as regional based planning and leadership development."

The Secrets of Sioux Falls’ Success

We need to give a little encouragement to citizens that and there are, despite the headlines, successful cities in America.

Debate reignited about how South Dakota awards taxpayer money to businesses for economic development.

No more than 32 companies ultimately have benefited, perhaps fewer. Twenty have headquarters in South Dakota; three are based in foreign countries.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Accelerator program assists entrepreneurs

The SDTBC, located in Sioux Falls, S.D., is an on-going effort to diversify and grow the regional economy by assisting in creation and expansion of technology-based business in the area.

South Dakota Governor Daugaard: Don’t kill business development fund

Current South Dakota law gives partial refunds of sales taxes and contractor’s excise taxes to large construction projects, but that law expires Dec. 31.