MSU Leadership Institute & UM Global Leadership Initiative

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Nine Habits That Make "Contagious" Leaders

Leadership which incents other people to be leaders is called "contagious leadership."

Video: An Evening with Tom Brokaw at Montana State University – A Compelling Message

"Education is the great coin, the currency of the challenges that are before us." Tom Brokaw

INVITATION: Celebrate The MSU Leadership Institute & Literacy, 3/28, Bozeman, Montana

What can you do to have fun and also help the MSU Leadership Institute? Bring a few friends, sponsor students – or better yet, consider hosting a table? Tickets are only $25 per person and include Cuban food, Cuban dancing and…

Tom Brokaw Talks Media with Montana State University Exponent Editor-in-Chief

"You’re in for a real ride," Brokaw said.

Montana State University gives NBC anchor Tom Brokaw honorary Doctorate during day of events hosted and organized by MSU Leadership Institute students

"Nothing is an important as educating our young people for the challenges of the future," Brokaw said, and that this is our key to remaining competitive.

Brokaw exhorts audience to ‘re-enlist as Americans’ during MSU Leadership Institute presentation

"This is a wake up call. It’s not a time to look back, it’s a time to look forward,"

The Montana State University Leadership Fellows Certificate Program

Equipped with critical and ethical thinking skills, and open to MSU undergraduates, we strive for students to become agents of positive change in society.

Montana State University Leadership Institute Hosts Academy Award Winner, Dustin Lance Black – Gay screenwriter urges fight for equal rights

Dustin Lance Black, who received an Academy Award for best screenplay in 2009, spoke at the MSU campus Wednesday night.

Courage to be wrong is characteristic of leadership

In every walk of life, it is the lever that gets us unstuck and moves us forward.

Academy Award Winner Dustin Lance Black To Speak, 2/9, Montana State University, Bozeman

"Black approaches both a controversial and important issue with his screenplay of MILK," said Carmen McSpadden, Director of the MSU Leadership Institute. "And recognizing and addressing issues around diversity is an essential leadership lesson, whether it be race, religion, gender, socio-economic, ethnicity, political beliefs or sexual orientation," McSpadden added.