Montana Economic Development

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Creative Key to Missoula’s Economic Future

According to the insights of sociologist Richard Florida, perhaps the most fertile grounds of Montana’s economy rest with Missoula’s creative class. by Ken Quinn In his book, “Rise of the Creative Class”, Florida notes that…

Hard road for Hardin: New director, Paul Green, offers hope

Hardin’s new director of economic development has a hard road ahead of him. Paul Green, former executive director of the Montana Business Incubator in Billings, accepted the position as director of the Hardin Economic Development…

Modern institute turns to medieval business model

A local institute is offering Montanans the opportunity to join a very old approach to business, with a new twist. Jim Salmons and Timlynn Babitsky of the North American Rural Futures Institute, located on the…

Survey imparts information on Electric City’s workforce

"The Job Service Work Force Center in Great Falls joined forces with the GFDA last month to perform a weeklong labor study aimed at providing information to a financial services company looking to open a center in Great Falls."

March 2003 Newsletter- Economic Development Resource Center- Montana Tech of the University of Montana

What Have We Been Up To? The past two months have been busy and successful for the Economic Development Resource Center. We have a new student assistant, we’ve attended seminars and presentations around the state,…

Brain Drain Update: States Look to Avoid Losing Their Minds

"A technically-skilled workforce is one of the elements required for a tech-based economy, so the issue of stopping the brain drain is of critical importance to some regions and states. The choice for some states, it has been observed, is to turn into retirement homes or to retain their college graduates; in short, to avoid losing their minds."

Economic development experts assess Hi-Line towns

Chester residents are gathering today to discuss economic development in their town, in the second of such community meetings in north-central Montana. By Tim Leeds/Havre Daily News/[email protected] Chinook will undergo the same process next week….

Scientist to speak at Rocky Mountain College on biotechnology on April 3

The director of public and government affairs for Monsanto Co. will speak on biotechnology and genetically modified foods at Rocky Mountain College on April 3. Trent L. Clark will present a lecture at 7 p.m.,…

Rethinking Historic Preservation-Historic preservation of the built environment is an overlooked, but critical component in the ‘rise of a creative class’.

Martha Frish Rebecca Severson Richard Florida’s book, The Rise of the Creative Class, has received considerable press in the last few months. Florida’s "creativity index" is based on his theory that the presence of creative…

Numbers dispel myths of Montana’s ‘high’ income tax

"Dave Gibson compares Montana to a business that advertises extremely high prices, but trusts that people will come inside the store to find that prices really aren’t that high. No business would operate that way, he said."