MEDA -Montana Economic Developers Association

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Welcome to MEDA: Leadership Dedicated to Building Montana's Economy

The New-Collar Workforce – Advanced skills but no degree

There’s a huge, capable, and diverse talent pool out there that companies aren’t paying nearly enough attention to: workers without college degrees. It’s time for a skills-first approach to hiring and people management.

5 Ways New Tax Changes Could Affect Small Business Owners in 2024

Popular tax provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are sunsetting at the end of 2025.

CBS 60 Minutes – Sloths, the world’s slowest mammal, turn survival of the fittest upside down

We can learn how to be more slow and sustainable ourselves, because we need to. You know, we’re destroying this planet at– an alarming rate. And part of that is because of our addiction to speed and convenience, so if we took a few carefully, slowly, digested leaves out of the sloth’s book, you know, we might save this beautiful planet and all of the amazing creatures that live on it.

There is an easy fix to Montana’s residential property taxes

Much of the increase will go to decrease the property tax of Montana’s largest corporations. According to MTFP, North Western Energy’s taxes will be $36 million less, Rail Link $2.5 million less, Charter Communications $1.8 million less. 

How to Make Your Hybrid Workplace More Efficient in 2024

With fewer days at the office, founders are getting creative about enabling their teams’ productivity and connection.

MMEC – Register Now for Trainings in January!

Register Now for Trainings in January and February!

We All Know EVs Save Money, But Electric Lasers Save Big, Big Money

Newer solid state lasers just use electrical energy to create a laser for far cheaper.

The Power of Intentional Networking

Are you making the most of your network? In this Nano Tool for Leaders, Wharton’s Marissa King gives tips on how to leverage your contacts.

Wind power set to overtake coal generation capacity in Montana

When construction wraps on two eastern Montana wind farms, the state will have more megawatts of ‘nameplate’ capacity in wind than coal.

World’s Happiest Country Finland Offered a Master Class on How to Be Happy. These Are the 3 Biggest Takeaways

They are all great, science-backed tips for how to be a bit happier. But some Finns claim the real secret to their happiness is something else entirely.