MAPS : Media Arts in the Public Schools

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MAPS works on project with Governor Schweitzer

"Using MAPS gives us a tool to promote math and science created for kids, by kids," said Nancy Schweitzer, who starred in the commercial, alongside Jag the gubernatorial dog.

Montana’s First Lady Goes Green with MAPS

The commercial is part of a larger campaign the Governor and First Lady are sponsoring about the value of studying math and science and how these studies can positively impact a green future for Montana.

Attention Ravalli County, Montana High School Students – Got MAPS?

Why interviews for an after-school program? Because 99% of our students get paid to make movies, design websites or shoot documentaries…so MAPS is a bit "different" than school.

Ravalli County, Montana health video to be filmed by MAPS Media Institute -Students competing for prizes on YouTube. Please VOTE for your favorite!

MAPS students made 6 short, short videos about their MAPS experience and they can be seen at

MAPS (The MAPS Media Institute) Signs A New Client

“We enjoyed reading the news article on how the MAPS program has been successful in teaching students the art of filmmaking. The fact that they are performing well in other core subjects as a result of this program is impressive and encouraging.” Edith Harvey, Director, Improvement Programs, Department of Education.

MAPS Media Institute student films opening this weekend (3/27) in Hamilton, Montana

Students in MAPS will be filming a project this summer called "Downtown Ravalli County," in which kids will take video cameras to the streets and get input from tourists.

"It will be a way to help drive tourism, help our community enjoy each other," Rosten explained. "One of the great things about MAPS is kids from different high schools get to know each other and become friends."

“2010 MAPS MOVIES PREMIERE” 3/27, Corvallis, Montana

On Saturday, March 27th at noon, MAPS will host a premiere of its 2010 student films at the Pharaohplex Theaters in Corvallis. Admission is free – young and old alike are invited to attend.

Premiere Of 2010 New Media Arts In The Public Schools (MAPS) Student Films, 3/27, Corvallis, Montana

Two comedic/dramas produced and directed by our Hamilton, Corvallis, Victor and Darby high school filmmakers. And a documentary by the MAPs adult class.

The MAPS Media Institute is opening doors for filmmaking students in the Bitterroot Valley

Whether it’s a high school student, a continuing ed adult, or a member of Trapper Creek Job Corps, Rosten said the philosophy at MAPS is to get each student involved in all aspects of filmmaking.

Media Arts in the Public Schools (MAPS) and Trapper Creek Job Corp Team Up to Teach Film Making to At Risk Youth

When I first heard about this opportunity I was so excited to be apart of it. Things like this don’t come along every day."

Rachel Toupin