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Can Funding Counties Directly Help Them Overcome Their Biggest Problems?

Thousands of county officials came to Washington, D.C., to make the case with Congress that funding counties directly is the best way to improve lives across the country’s diverse rural and urban communities.

Change the Conversation: Strong Towns are built incrementally

In this excerpt from “Where Did All the Small Developers Go,” housing expert Daniel Herriges describes why incremental development is so hard to do these days, and why we need to open the door to it once again for the sake of our cities.

Our Missoula – Missoula’s vision for future growth and to modernize the development regulations- Subscribe Now

With broad community involvement, Our Missoula will result in an inclusive vision for how Missoula will grow in the future. It will guide critical changes in the code that the City needs to take to carry out that vision.

Infrastructure ‘bootcamps’ help smaller cities win federal grants

The Local Infrastructure Hub has helped participating cities win millions of dollars to address pressing needs in transportation, climate, flood mitigation, rails, broadband and more.

Drive Less, Live More: How States Can Lead the Way in Climate-Smart Transportation

State departments of transportation (DOTs) are uniquely positioned to accelerate the shift to clean transportation. While many have made heartening progress in areas like vehicle electrification, most have neglected other necessary solutions — namely, equitably expanding access to mobility choices and reducing the miles we have to drive (referred to as vehicle miles traveled or VMT).

City of Missoula seeks volunteers for downtown improvement working group

Volunteers will participate in up to 12 meetings per year over a three-year period to learn about and provide feedback on SAM projects, including updating Higgins Avenue from Brooks to Broadway, converting Front and Main streets from one-way back to two-way traffic, improving the riverfront trails between Ryman and Kiwanis Park, and optimizing downtown traffic signals between Orange and Van Buren streets. 

Montana communities selected to participate in MSU Extension’s Reimagining Rural Program

The Reimagining Rural virtual gathering includes three statewide sessions on Jan. 29, Feb. 12 and Feb. 26. Those sessions are broadcast via Zoom to groups gathered in person in participating towns. Following each session’s speakers, local groups hold facilitated conversations about how new ideas might work in their communities.

Montana State receives $6 million to enhance its research impact

“This is an exciting opportunity for MSU to increase its capacity to support and grow translational research activities that will stimulate local and regional economic development,” said Alison Harmon, MSU’s vice president for research and economic development.

Gallatin College MSU designated as National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense

“On a national level, this designation validates our cybersecurity program, its rigor and the value of the curriculum for the students,” said Stephanie Gray, dean of Gallatin College MSU.  “This designation will provide more opportunities for students at a global level.”

Montana State receives grant to host geospatial skills camp for high schoolers in five rural Montana communities

“Montana is one of the most rural states in the U.S., with 75% of school districts considered rural – the highest proportion of any state,” Taylor noted in the grant application. “Consequently, not just many but most Montana young people grow up with few or no STEM opportunities beyond school-based classes, which also can be quite limited due to small school sizes and STEM teacher shortages.”