
Work in your pajamas? This call center allows it

Ema Maile works for O’Currance Teleservices, a Salt Lake City call center. The company allows employees such as Maile, who has four young children, to work from their home offices.

In Utah’s tight labor market, many call centers struggle to find enough employees.

But O’Currance Teleservices in Salt Lake City expects to have little problem expanding its work force from 630 to more than 1,000 by the end of the year.

Its secret? A change of venue.

"A lot of people want to work at home, so they want to work for us," said David Meine, executive vice president of O’Currance. "And once we have an employee start working at home, one of the only reasons why they would leave us is if they move or they don’t need the income anymore."

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Virtual call centers are becoming especially useful for businesses

By Julie Forster
Knight Ridder News Service

Kathleen Hughes moved from Florida to rural Minnesota last year. She cringed when she had to get in the car in snowy weather and make a 40-mile drive to her job in Grand Rapids, Minn.

The commute got old very quickly. ”That’s what really pushed me over the edge to work at home,” she said.

Working from home isn’t new, but Hughes has tapped into a more recent adaptation: the virtual call center.

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