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MSU Extension’s Reimagining Rural program challenges small towns to shape their future

Rural Urban divide

Twenty-four communities across the state participated last year in a Montana State University Extension program that focuses on providing Montana’s small towns with opportunities to shape their future.

MSU Extension’s Reimagining Rural program recognizes that Montana’s small towns are facing challenges of shifting demographics and evolving economies that can make it more difficult for rural communities to maintain community vitality, according to Tara Mastel, MSU Extension’s community development program leader.

“The Reimagining Rural program focuses on providing Montana’s small towns with opportunities to adjust their community’s narrative by addressing how they view, approach and ultimately create solutions to these challenges,” Mastel said.

At the conclusion of the program, the Montana Community Foundation, a program partner, awarded $32,000 in grants to the communities to support projects that were identified or discussed during the series.

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