
Missoula Job Service Update

Legislative Update

With the close of the 2003 Legislative Session, the following new rules and regulations might be of interest to you.

HB 230 – An employer may pay wages due in the ensuing pay period when the employee submits a timesheet after the employer’s deadline for processing timesheets for a particular pay period. The section requiring immediate payment if the employee is absent on the payday has been deleted.

HB 180 – Created a permanent provision to allow an individual who leaves work or is discharged because of circumstances resulting from domestic violence to receive unemployment insurance benefits.

SB 447 – The state has repealed its law that limited the civil damage liability of nonpublic employers who disclose employment information about a former or current employee’s employment –related performance to a prospective employer or former or current employee.

(This law repeals SB 1 from 1999 which gave some protection to employers when providing employment reference information.)
SB 270 – The independent contractor provisions of the state’s worker’s compensation law have been amended. There are new penalty provisions for employers who misrepresent an employee’s status as an exempt independent contractor.

Missoula County Labor Market

3,178 (8.4%) of Ravalli County residents commuted to work in Missoula County according to the 2000 Census.

Missoula County’s unemployment rate for May 2003 was 2.9 percent. This percentage rate does not include “discouraged workers”.

The current labor force for Missoula County is 55,933 according to the May 2003 Research & Analysis Bureau – Statistics in Brief.

Missoula Job Service Fast Facts

The final tally is in for the 13th annual Student Career Fair 707 students between the ages of 14 and 22 interviewed with 90 local employers. 12% of the students were University of Montana students.

A total of 7,589 individuals used our services during the month of June with 2,110 in the first week of June.

In June 117 employers posted 161 job openings with Missoula Job Service. May was a more active month with employers posting 224 job openings.

During the last two weeks of June, three companies in Missoula were forced to lay off a total of 148 individuals.

During the month of June 2003, Business Consultants at Missoula Job Service served 62 businesses by providing employment law posters, answering questions on wage and hour and employment issues, assisting with determining fair wage rates, and researching difficult questions faced by employers.

Provided compliments of Missoula Job Service Workforce Center

Missoula Job Service
Workforce Center

539 South 3rd West
Missoula, MT 59802

(406) 728-7060

(406) 721-7094

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