
Hellgate Venture Network – Incubator Initiative, 3/1, Missoula, Montana

We will devote our next meeting (March 1) to discussing the incubator initiative we announced at our last meeting. For those that were unable to attend that meeting, we have been collaborating with the Missoula Economic Partnership (MEP) and Joe Fanguy at UM’s Office of Technology Transfer to support Missoula’s entrepreneurial community through the creation of a physical and virtual incubator space. The physical space will be developed at the Montec building on Broadway and will be complemented by a website that will provide an online environment for networking, resource sharing and collaboration.

At the meeting we will seek your ideas and needs in respect of both the physical facility and the online space/website.

We have a project team from the School of Business working with us to develop the website. Members of this team (Paul Terrazas, Breann Griffin, Kainoa Lake, and Bjorn Swanson – all HVN members) will present some initial ideas at the meeting. They will also be reaching out to HVN members to seek your input directly (via surveys, calls or meetings) so please look out for communications from them. Also please feel free to share ideas and comments through Linkedin or ask the team to contact you directly if you would like to discuss a specific idea.

The meeting will be held on March 1 at the offices of Garlington, Lohn & Robinson (corner of Broadway and Ryman). Many thanks to HVN member David Bjornson for arranging for us to have access to the fabulous space on the top floor of their new building. As always, the meeting will start at 4.30pm.

Garlington, Lohn & Robinson
350 Ryman Street
Missoula, MT 59802

We look forward to seeing you there!

Dawn McGee & Paul Gladen
HVN Co-Founders

Contact: Paul Gladen – 406 396 3534 e-mail: [email protected]

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