Federal R&D Funding Opportunities
Department of Commerce
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) invites applications for R&D projects that address various aspects of Chesapeake Bay fisheries, including coastal and estuarine research, fisheries research and multiple species interactions. Approximately $1.5 million is expected to be available in FY 2003 for funding cooperative agreements. Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education, hospitals, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, foreign governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments, international organizations, state, local and Indian tribal governments. Applications are due March 17, 2003. More information is available in the January 14 edition of the Federal Register at:
NOAA also invites proposals for a sea scallop total allowable catch (TAC) set-aside program. Projects should enhance understanding of the scallop resource or contribute to the body of information on which management decisions are made. Sea scallop research may be conducted in or outside of the Hudson Canyon and Virginia Beach Areas, within or outside of the Sea Scallop Area Access Program timeframe, and on board a fishing or other type of vessel. The project period for sea scallop research can not predate the beginning of the Atlantic sea scallop fishing year, March 1, 2003, or extend beyond February 29, 2004. No federal funds are provided for sea scallop research under this notice. Research projects would be funded by a 1-percent set-aside of the scallop TAC. The federal government’s contribution to the project will be a letter of authorization that will provide special fishing privileges in response to sea scallop research proposals selected to participate in this program. All commercial organizations; nonprofit organizations; state, local or tribal governments; institutions of higher education; and individuals are eligible to apply. Proposals are due February 7, 2003. More information is available in the January 17 edition of the Federal Register at:
Department of Defense (DoD)
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has issued a presolicitation notice seeking expertise and other assets to conduct, implement and sustain capabilities in the following functional areas: Weapons and Target Technologies, Hazard Assessment Technologies, Modeling and Simulation Integration and Architecture and Systems Engineering. Responses should be submitted by February 24, 2003. DTRA anticipates awarding multiple IDIQ contracts. All documents pertaining to this source selection will be posted on The presolicitation announcement and contact information is available at:
The Air Force Materiel Command seeks capable sources to perform software research and development for the IFE Division, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL Rome). AFRL Rome has a requirement to conduct Information Support Server Environment (ISSE) Guard software development and system support for the Air Force Command and Control Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Center. It will also be necessary to provide analysis, design, development, integration management, system and network administration/operation and testing to support the maintenance and evaluation of existing systems and of new development systems, and the generation of technical documentation detailing the above activities. Responses to this sources sought are requested from small businesses and will be used for market research purposes and possible set-aside. Responses must be received by February 7, 2003. More information is available at:
The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory of the Engineer Research and Development Center will issue a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) on or around February 3 for the execution of basic and applied research focusing on a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell demonstration of domestically produced residential PEM fuel cells in military facilities. Proposals may be submitted upon issuance of the BAA, for a period of up to one year or until superceded, however, for consideration for award under anticipated funding in FY03, proposals must be before April 1, 2003. All responsible sources may submit a proposal for consideration. More information is available at:
The Department of Defense (DoD) announces the availability of the FY 2003 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the DoD Instrumentation Program for Tribal Colleges and Universities. This program aims to enhance science, mathematics, and/or engineering education programs and/or research capabilities through the acquisition of equipment and/or instrumentation that will augment existing facilities, enhance curricula, or develop new laboratories, programs and capabilities in areas related to science, mathematics, and/or engineering. Eligible applicants are only those Tribal Colleges and Universities listed at Only one proposal per institution will be accepted on or before March 21, 2003. More information is available at: ttp://
The Materials and Manufacturing Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory seeks research proposals for Studies on Laser Hardened Materials. Proposals are due February 28, 2003. The primary technology areas for research will be in Biotechnology/Biomimetic Materials, Computational Methods for Materials Interactions, Photorefractive, Non-linear, and Linear Optical Materials Research, Ultrafast Physics for Materials Interactions, Sensor Hardening, Personnel Protection, Hardening for Space Applications, and Advanced Materials and Structures Hardening.The Lab anticipates having a total of $49 million over the next six years for the program; $6 million is available in FY03. Interested offerors may find more information at:
The Missile Defense Agency is interested in receiving proposals from all offerors to advance the state-of-the-art and scientific knowledge in laser technology. Six technical areas are identified in the solicitation, each with its own due date (provided in parentheses): 1) Strategic Illuminator Laser (Feb. 10, 2003); 2) Advanced Inertial Reference Unit (Jan. 31, 2003); 3) Advanced Detectors (feb. 26, 2003); 4) Small Laser Amplifier for LADAR (Feb. 10, 2003); 5) EC Regenerative COIL (Feb. 10, 2003); and 6) HF Overtone Laser Demonstration (Mar. 6, 2003). Only offerors who are certified by the Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) may submit proposals. More information on certification is available at: More information on the solicitation is available at:
Department of Energy (DOE)
In a presolicitation notice, DOE invites expressions of interest and comments on a proposed approach to develop cost-effective small wind turbines (100 kilowatts or less) for use in distributed power applications at low wind speeds throughout the U.S., primarily targeting residential and small business uses. DOE intends to provide financial support via grants and cooperative agreements for public-private partnerships to complete concept studies, component development, and/or turbine prototype development for multiple technology pathways. Expressions of interest are sought from potential applicants to the forthcoming solicitation, and comments on the proposed plan are sought from all interested parties. To be considered, responses should be received by January 24, 2003. More information is available in the January 13 edition of the Federal Register at:
In a second presolicitation notice, the DOE Idaho Operations Office announces it will be seeking applications for cost-shared research, development and demonstration of innovative sensor, control, automation and wireless technologies that will reduce energy consumption, minimize environmental impacts, and enhance economic competitiveness in U.S. industrial manufacturing. This solicitation addresses two separate topics: 1) crosscutting sensors and controls and 2) industrial wireless telemetry. DOE anticipates making up to four cooperative agreement awards. Approximately $12 million in federal funds are expected to be available to fund selected research projects over a five-year period. A minimum non-federal 50 percent cost-share applies. For profit and nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, Indian tribes and institutions of higher learning are eligible to apply. Responses will be due March 31, 2003. More information is available at:
The DOE Idaho Operations Office also is seeking applications for cost-shared research and development of technologies that will reduce energy consumption, enhance economic competitiveness, and reduce environmental impacts of the domestic chemical industry. The R&D will focus on technology development in the areas of catalysis and catalytic engineering, and separations technologies. Each project funded under this solicitation must involve a minimum of two chemical organizations working in a multi-disciplinary team arrangement. Approximately $6 million in federal funds are expected to be available to fund the first 12 months of selected research projects. DOE anticipates making 6-10 cooperative agreement awards, each with a duration of 3-5 years. A minimum non-federal 30 percent cost-share applies. For profit and nonprofit organizations, state and local governments, Indian tribes, institutions of higher education, and non-federal agencies or entities are eligible to apply. Responses are due April 30, 2003. More information is available at:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA is providing an opportunity for members of the science community to participate in the NASA Science Team for the National Polar-orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP). The NPP Science Team will include a number of experts familiar with the development of algorithms to retrieve global change properties from sensors like VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS, and OMPS. Expertise in both sensors and algorithms is needed. Awards will be made for a period of 36 months, with a potential extension for up to an additional 12 months. Approximately $2-3 million per year is expected to be available to fund awards. All scientific investigators who submit proposals that respond to the program’s objectives and who meet the program’s requirements are eligible to apply. Proposals are due by March 31, 2003. More information is available at:
NASA also is providing an opportunity for scientists to undertake significant studies concerning the Earth Science Enterprise Research Program. Two types of proposals are sought: (1) Earth Observing System Algorithm Refinement proposals will be accepted from prospective new or continuing science team members who wish to refine and maintain the derived product quality for any of the currently approved Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document algorithms. And, (2) Science Data Analysis and Modeling Research proposals will be accepted from any proposer with innovative approaches to making scientific use of the data or products from the research sensors on Terra, Aqua, and ACRIMSAT. Approximately $63 million per year is expected to be available for the next three years for funding projects in the first proposal category. Team member proposals should be in the general range of $150,000 to $300,000 per year. All scientific investigators who submit proposals responding to the key science questions of the program and who meet the program’s requirements are eligible to apply. Domestic and foreign organizations, including educational institutions, industry, nonprofit institutions, NASA centers and other U.S. Government agencies, are encouraged to participate. Notices of intent are due February 28, 2003; proposals are due by April 15, 2003. More information is available at:
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
NIH invites applications for funding under the Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) program, which is intended to support health-related research projects proposed by faculty members of eligible schools and components of domestic institutions. All health professional schools/colleges and other academic components of domestic institutions offering baccalaureate or advanced degrees in the sciences related to health are eligible, except those that have received research grants or cooperative agreements from NIH totaling more than $3 million per year in each of four or more of the last seven years. A maximum of $150,000 in direct costs plus facilities and administrative costs at the rate negotiated for the institution may be awarded for a period of up to three years. The postmark date for AIDS-related applications is May 1, 2003. All other AREA applications must be postmarked by January 25, 2003. More information, including research topics of interest to each of the 22 participating NIH agencies, is available at:
Multiple NIH agencies invite applications for grants in support of research on mind-body interactions and health. "Mind-body interactions and health" refers to the relationships among cognitions, emotions, personality, social relationships, and health. Eligible applicants include for-profit or nonprofit organizations; public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the federal government; domestic institutions; and faith- or community-based organizations. Two award mechanisms are described below. Optional letters of intent and applications for both are due June 16, 2003 and July 16, 2003, respectively.
* Research infrastructure grant applicants may request funds to support infrastructure and research designed to (1) enhance the quality and quantity of mind-body and health research and (2) develop new research capabilities to advance mind-body and health research through innovative approaches. NIH intends to commit approximately $6 million in total costs in FY 2004 to fund up to six awards. Applicants may request a project period of up to five years and a budget for total costs of up to $1 million per year. More information is available at:
* Exploratory or developmental awards are intended to support the development and demonstrate the feasibility of programs at institutions that have high potential for advancing mind-body and health research, but have not yet fully achieved the necessary resources and mechanisms to qualify for a research infrastructure award. NIH intends to commit approximately $2 million in total costs in FY 2004 to fund up to four awards. Applicants may request a project period of up to three years and a budget for direct costs of up to $300,000 per year. More information is available at:
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) seek to promote the use of proteomic technologies for studying diabetes and its complications, and other endocrine and metabolic diseases. Eligible are for-profit or nonprofit organizations; public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the federal government; and domestic or foreign institutions. Applications will be accepted by the standard NIH deadlines: February 1, June 1, and October 1. More information is available at:
The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) seeks to broaden the base of inquiry in fundamental biomedical, bio-behavioral, and biomedical technology research by encouraging applications for research projects that involve an especially high degree of innovation and novelty. Experienced and established investigators with or without previous work in rheumatic or musculoskeletal or skin diseases are encouraged to present a proposal for testing the feasibility of a novel idea, resource or technology. Approximately $1.2 million is expected to be available in FY 2003 to fund up to 20 new grants. Applicants may request up to $50,000 per year for up to two years. Eligible are for-profit or nonprofit organizations; public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the federal government; and domestic or foreign institutions. Optional letters of intent are due by February 18, 2003; applications are due March 18, 2003. More information is available at:
The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites applications for awards to support novel investigations for reduced cost imaging devices that can be broadly applied to research on biological or disease processes. Such devices will be used for detection, screening, diagnosis and treatment of human disease and injury. NIBIB intends to commit approximately $5 million in FY 2003 to fund 12-15 grants. Research project grant applicants may request a project period of up to five years. There is no cap on the budget. Exploratory or developmental grant applicants may request a project period of up to two years and a budget for direct costs of up to $275,000. Eligible are for-profit or nonprofit organizations; public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the federal government; and domestic or foreign institutions. Optional letters of intent are due by February 17, 2003; applications are due March 14, 2003. More information is available at:
NIBIB and the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) solicit applications that examine the potential of neuroimaging technology in the rehabilitation of patients with aphasia. Applications must involve a multi-disciplinary team. In FY 2004, NIDCD intends to commit approximately $1.5 million to fund 3-4 new grants, and NIBIB intends to commit approximately $250,000. Research project grant applicants may request a project period of up to five years and a budget for direct costs of up to $500,000 per year. Exploratory or developmental grant applicants may request a project period of up to two years and a budget for direct costs of up to $100,000 per year. For-profit or nonprofit organizations; public or private institutions, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the federal government; and domestic institutions. Optional letters of intent are due July 3, 2003; applications are due July 29, 2003. More information is available at:
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF invites proposals for the Centers for Learning and Teaching program, a comprehensive, research-based effort that addresses the needs of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instructional workforce across the entire spectrum of formal and informal education. Its goals are to renew and diversify the cadre of leaders in STEM education; to increase the number of K-16 educators capable of delivering high-quality STEM instruction and assessment; and to conduct research into STEM education issues of national importance. Approximately $6 million is expected to be available in FY 2003 to fund an estimated 2-3 centers. Awards of approximately $2 million per year per center will be made with an initial commitment of five years and a potential duration of 10 years. Cost-sharing of 10 percent is required. No organizational eligibility limit applies. Optional preliminary proposals are due February 28, 2003; full proposals are due April 24, 2003. More information is available at:
Other Funding Opportunities
National Environmental Technology (NET)
The NET Incubator National Business Plan Competition welcomes applications from any U.S. corporation or LLC with revenue generating activities associated with scalable technologies and activities that contribute to increased energy and resource efficiency, higher productivity, pollution control, waste management, or the provision and delivery of water, recovered materials, and clean energy. Entrants may be a currently operating company, or be in formation, positioned for early-stage financing. A $10,000 first prize, $5,000 second prize and $2,500 third prize will be awarded. The grand prize includes benefits such as an expense-paid trip to present at a national venture forum, mentoring and access to technical expertise. A special award of two years’ free rent in the NET Incubator also will be granted to the finalist with the business plan deemed most likely to succeed, yet not ready for equity funding. All entrance materials must be postmarked on or before February 7, 2003. More information is available at:
Copyright State Science & Technology Institute 2003. Information in this issue of SSTI Weekly Digest was prepared under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Redistribution to all others interested in tech-based economic development is strongly encouraged — please cite the State Science & Technology Institute whenever portions are reproduced or redirected. Any opinions expressed in the Digest do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
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