Big Sky 55+ offers its support to Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority
Excerpt from the resolution:
WHEREAS the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority has received a $500,000 planning grant from a federal Department of Transportation to propose reintroducing the Northcoast Hiawatha to provide twice daily service through southern Montana population centers.
WHEREAS daily passenger rail service will help revitalize and build sustainable communities across Montana, connect Montanans to family members, health care, cultural centers, education, and retail businesses, and serve the 25% of Americans who are not able to drive personal automobiles;
AND WHEREAS Big Sky 55+ Platform supports infrastructure funding to keep rural communities and state viable and livable; and supports policies to transition away from fossil fuels and passenger rail fits within that framework,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Big Sky 55+ endorses the efforts of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority to increase daily long-distance passenger rail in Montana, including improvements and strengthening of service on the Empire Builder, reintroduction of the North Coast Hiawatha across southern Montana and North-South service from Billings to Denver.
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