PNWER ECONOMIC LEADERSHIP FORUM November 12 – 14, 2024 | Anchorage, AK
The Economic Leadership Forum provides an opportunity for local, provincial, and state leaders in both the public and private sectors to carry out in-depth discussions on key subjects affecting our regional economy. This year’s event will be coordinated in partnership with the Alaska Resources Conference.
Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Monthly Board Meeting
Online MT, United StatesMonthly Board Meetings (and all meetings) are open to the public and we welcome all to attend and participate. This month's guest speaker will be Jim Mathews, President of The Rail Passenger's Association, a national organization that serves as a voice for the more than 40 million rail passengers in the US.
Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Monthly Board Meeting
Virtual MT, United StatesMonthly Board meetings take place on the second Wednesday of every month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Guest speakers join us on topics of interest and each committee provides an update on its efforts to restore/revitalize passenger rail to Southern Montana and beyond. Please join us, everyone is welcome. All meetings are virtual and recorded.
Hellgate Venture Network – Guest Speaker Josh Nowak is a founder of SpeedGoat – Missoula – 11/14
Stockman Bank 0n Broadway Missoula 321 W. Broadway, MISSOULA, MT, United StatesCome join the networking and learn who's in Missoula. At Speedgoat, we specialize in state-of-the-art real-time systems for real-time testing using Simulink® and Simulink® Real-Time™, the real-time operating system from MathWorks®.
Let’s Improve Missoula’s Reserve St. Public Working Group Meets Every Friday at 9AM on Zoom
Online WebinarMission Statement: To improve functionality and livability in Missoula’s busiest corridor for all citizens with a focus on traffic safety, mobility options, and chronic homelessness.
How you can make housing more affordable in your place. – 11/15 – Online 10:00 MST
Online WebinarThis presentation introduces a first-of-its-kind discussion of the tension between housing as a financial product and housing as shelter. These insights will help local communities fight back against the current affordability housing crisis and opt out of the boom-and-bust cycles that have typified housing in postwar America.
East Missoula People’s Fair: Home. Health. Humanity – 11/16 – East Missoula
E-Mo has also become a pretty great example for community organizing and mutual aid, and the upcoming East Missoula People’s Fair is the perfect encapsulation of the community’s character. The Saturday event is being held at Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore, a donation warehouse where they keep the costs low for people in need.
You’re Invited: Dorsey Seminar ERISA Litigation Challenges for Group Health Plan (11/18 ) Online
Online WebinarThis webinar will address how employers can take steps to minimize the risk of being sued, how to protect your health plan from challenges, and if a lawsuit does arise, how to pursue winning strategies.
Will Your Health Plan Now be a Target? – 11/18 – Online
Online WebinarA New Wave of ERISA Litigation Challenges Group Health Plan Fees and Expenses
City Club Missoula – Construction Gap: Why Infill Sites are Slow to Fill In – 11/18 – NEW SITE – Missoula Public Library
Missoula Public Library 301 E Main St, Missoula, MT, United StatesHear from a panel of experienced developers and builders about the challenges of building a diverse housing stock in Missoula. Discussion includes elements driving Missoula’s construction costs, why current costs limit what can be developed, and whether the challenges in Missoula and Montana are unique.